By Women,
For Women
Treating Women with Kindness, Compassion and Respect


Alcohol Awareness Week: July 2024

Alcohol Awareness Week takes place from the 1st-7th of July. It is an opportunity to think about drinking. The theme of this year is “Understanding Alcohol Harm”. Alcohol Change UK defines alcohol harm as anytime when alcohol is having a negative impact on our lives, or the lives of those around us. If you are […]

Learning Disability Week: June 2024

Learning Disability Week takes place on the third week of June every year. The focus this week is to make sure the world hears what life is like if you have a learning disability. The theme this year is ‘Do You See Me?’. ‘Do You See Me?’ is about challenging the barriers that people with […]

Mental Health Awareness Week: May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place from the 13th-19th of May 2024. The theme of 2024 is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health” as set by the Mental Health Foundation. Regular movement is a key way to protect your mental health. Mental Health UK found that 56% of people found that regularly exercising, […]

Stress Awareness Month: April 2024

Stress Awareness Month takes place every April and is designed to raise awareness of the causes, effects and solutions to stress. This year the theme coined by the Stress Management Society is ‘Combating Stress in an Age of Information Overload’. In the UK , 79% of adults experience stress at least once a month, with […]